Dear Interstate Auto Auction Email Subscriber,
Today you are receiving a very exciting email from the owner of Interstate Auto Auction Rich Sokolow. In addition to his work at Interstate, Rich is also a songwriter who is releasing a fun new album with NYC Indie Artist, Clara Lofaro. If you watched past Super Bowls you may have recognized Clara's voice as the singer in the iconic Disney Super Bowl commercial "I'm going to Disney World", singing "When you wish upon a star".
Today is the premier of the video for the first single "Just Smile" and Rich wanted to share this joyous moment with the Interstate community. In celebration of this event, Interstate will be offering everyone who purchases a vehicle this Saturday, September 11, 2010 a $25 discount off the purchase of any vehicle at the auction. Just print out this e-mail and bring it with you to the auction this Saturday to receive your discount.
So watch this brand new, feel-good music video, "Just Smile" by Clara Lofaro and we hope to see you this Saturday.
Smiles from all of us at Interstate Auto Auction.
Be part of the excitement!
Watch the video on by Clicking Here, Rate the video & Submit your comment on the video.
Feel Free to Download the Album or Single at
"Buy Tickets"
Join us at one of the upcoming CD Release shows in your area:
Tickets for October 9th at B.B. Kings In New York City
Tickets for October 24th at Blue Ocean Music Hall in Salisbury, MA (All Ages Welcome)
(Show opener and MC Rich Sokolow, and Red Summer Sun)
House of Blues Hollywood, CA (TBA)
SLo Records
Feature Vehciles For Saturday!
2003 Mitsubishi Rally Edition OZ
